Photo by: Beowulf Sheehan
Elise Paschen
Board Member, Indigenous Nations Poets
Elise Paschen, an enrolled member of the Osage Nation, is the author of Tallchief, The Nightlife, Bestiary, Infidelities (winner of the Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize), and Houses: Coasts. Her poems have appeared in When The Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry, Best American Poetry, The New Yorker and Poetry, among other publications. She has edited numerous anthologies, including The Eloquent Poem as well as The New York Times best-selling Poetry Speaks. A co-founder of Poetry in Motion, Paschen teaches in the MFA Writing Program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Poems for a Tattered Planet
A series of poetic films by Indigenous Nations Poets and Overpass Light Brigade created at our 2023 mentoring retreat in Door County Wisconsin.
The Nightlife
Genre: Poetry
Publisher: Red Hen Press
Publication Date: 2017
In Elise Paschen’s prize-winning poetry collection, Infidelities, Richard Wilbur wrote that the poems “. . . draw upon a dream life which can deeply tincture the waking world.” In her third poetry book, The Nightlife, Paschen once again taps into dream states, creating a narrative which balances between the lived and the imagined life. Probing the tension between “The Elevated” and the “Falls,” she explores troubled love and relationships, the danger of accident and emotional volatility. The Nightlife demonstrates Paschen’s versatility and formal mastery as she experiments with forms such as the pantoum, the villanelle and the tritina, as well as concrete poems and poems in free verse. Throughout this poetry collection, she interweaves lyric and narrative threads, creating a contrapuntal story-line. The book begins with a dive into deep water and ends with an opening into sky.
The Eloquent Poem
Genre: Poetry
Publisher: Persea Books
Publication Date: 2019
The Eloquent Poem is an exhilarating anthology of 128 never-before-published poems by more than 100 contemporary poets. It is divided into fourteen chapters by poetic approach—some formal, some occasional, and some thematic—and includes illuminating micro-essays from the poets on how each poem came to be and how it fits into (or disrupts) its poetic tradition. Bound to inspire readers and writers, these are innovative poems to marvel at and learn from—among them ars poeticas by Joy Harjo and Cornelius Eady, litanies by Angela Jackson and Joy Ladin, persona poems by Laura Kasischke and Marilyn Nelson, and collage poems by Kimiko Hahn and Major Jackson. Other chapters showcase aphorisms, aubades & nocturnes, eclogues, ekphrasis, epistles, poems in form, mirror poems, mythological poems, and prose poems.