Dr. Yekuhsi•yó Rosa King
2024 Language Back Workshop Language Expert
(Oneida Nation)
Dr. Rosa King (Oneida Nation) is the founder of Skanikulat, Inc. (2023), which is an Indigenous nonprofit organization that focuses on restoring community wellness through Oneida language and culture programming, including Oneida language medium education. Along with her work at Skanikulat, Rosa is an adjunct instructor at the College of Menominee Nation, a local Tribal college, where she teaches Oneida Language, Oneida Treaties, and Oneida history. She has been learning the Oneida language for approximately 12 years and has taught the language in various settings, including public schools, tribal schools, and local colleges, for 11 years. Her personal philosophy on Indigenous language reclamation is that “language is medicine and can be used to heal our community”.