July 8, 2022

2022 Ricochet Editions Call For Manuscript Submissions

By Indigenous Nations Poets

Ricochet Editions invites manuscript submissions that are unpredictable, looking for purposeful experimentation with language and form that challenges or plays with convention. Ricochet invites manuscripts from writers at any stage of their career and welcomes work from underrepresented voices, including BIPOC writers, LGBTQIA+ writers, writers from non-academic backgrounds, and writers with disabilities. Manuscript should be between 40 and 200 pages, although Richochet is open to exceptional work outside these limits. If your manuscript is selected for publication, you will receive $250 and 50 copies of the perfect-bound book with ISBN. The staff will also send out copies to venues for review and (if applicable) awards.

$15 application fee will be waived for BIPOC applicants facing financial hardship. Reading period is June 1 - July 15.


Founded in 2020, In-Na-Po—Indigenous Nations Poets—is a national Indigenous poetry community committed to mentoring emerging writers, nurturing the growth of Indigenous poetic practices, and raising the visibility of all Native Writers past, present, and future. In-Na-Po recognizes the role of poetry in sustaining tribal sovereign nations and Native languages.